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Navigating the Challenges of NHS Dentistry: A New Approach from The Campbell Clinic
I have wondered for a while how I would write about the recent news of access to NHS dentistry, the carnage created in Bristol and then around the country, and the response from the government. It may not be of any interest to anyone what is happening there, but as I've said to many patients and ...
The Importance of Regular Dental Care: Beyond Just a White Smile
Before the NHS was formed in 1948, regular dental care for the means of prevention of disease was virtually unheard of. Through the development of the NHS dental service following the 1948 ...
Top 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your Dental Care Plan
When we think about the possibility of entering into an arrangement to provide dental care regularly, there are certain things worth considering from a patient point of view.
What to Expect After Orthodontic Treatment