It’s always a pleasure to do a little communication for all of our patients at the Clinic and thank you so much to everyone who engages with this and who replies back to let us know their thoughts.
We’re always really delighted to hear from you and thank you very much for your input.
One of the things I’m most proud of when I look back at those 12 months is how hard and how adaptable our team has been in order to continue to provide services as seamlessly as possible for all those who have needed us during that time.
Because of the wonderful facility that we have, which must be one of the best-equipped areas to provide dentistry in these current times, the team has been able to provide a phenomenal amount of work and access to patients that would never have been available at our previous site.
I’m so pleased to be able to say that all our services are fully operational, and we’re increasing capacity across the board to try and decrease waiting times for our patients at the practice.
We’re doubling our root filling capacity sessions and have doubled our Orthodontic sessions so for anyone who needs braces or root fillings or if anyone you know is struggling to access this treatment then please don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll help wherever we can.
Our gum disease specialist Rajan Nansi has increased his time at the practice in order to ensure that we have availability across the board for patients who require that type of work and our dental implant and oral surgery services where we provide replacement teeth or extraction of teeth in any sort of circumstances are fully operational, with multiple team members.
We’re really concerned about access to NHS services for patients and the announcements from the government which appear to show that this will worsen moving forwards. In that situation, more people will have to access private dental services in order to access their care and we’re ready and waiting to help wherever we can with the capacity that we have.
The Clinic itself has expanded dramatically in staff since we first opened for patients in February 2020.
Our role and our situation have now changed from managing a backlog of patients who had nowhere to go in lockdown 1, to now providing access to healthcare for people who are struggling to access it due to bottlenecks in NHS dentistry and other private services.
We continue to receive huge amounts of referrals from our dental colleagues across the region, but we are also so proud of the word-of-mouth referrals we receive from patients for their friends and family and this is one of the most important sources of recommendations for new patients to us.
If you have anyone within your family or friendship group who is struggling to access any aspect of dentistry, we would be delighted to speak to them at any point, to help out wherever we can, or at worst to send them in the right direction for help.
All of us are so grateful for the support that we’ve had from everyone in our patient group throughout this whole period and the support we continue to receive.
For any of you who have been to the practice recently, you’ll appreciate that we also have availability on plot 4 for a further building when required.
If things continue as they are it can’t be long before we’re going to need another building!
Finally, we’re very keen to start to showcase our work to a wider audience and we’re asking for patients who’ve had a positive experience at the Clinic and would be willing to talk about it on a video for our website to come forwards. We really appreciate this help because unsolicited messages of support for the Clinic are always the best way to introduce other patients to be able to accept our help. Google reviews are also very important to us because we can’t improve our website position without positive responses from patients who’ve attended to see us.
I look forward to seeing you all in the Clinic soon and thank you so much for all your support as always.
Best wishes,
The Campbell Clinic team
Finally, for the safety of both our patients and our team, we have made several alterations to the way that we provide dental care. The below brochure and infographic outlines the updated patient journey you will experience whilst undertaking dental treatment at The Campbell Clinic in addition to a few new things we request from you.
If you are worried or concerned about potential symptoms you may have or think you may have, the NHS has devised a checklist where you're able to check your symptoms.