
Are dentures making you miserable?

Options to improve the lifestyle of denture wearers

In the United Kingdom dentures are common, particularly in individuals over the age of 50.

While there are many people who cope well with dentures and manage with good appearance and functions, there are also many other people whose lives are made miserable by the movement of dentures, ill-fitting dentures or inability to eat properly.

In many cases, dental implants offer a wonderful solution to improve the lives of denture wearers, and at times can be quite simple and minimally invasive, they can even provide fixed in teeth in both jaws on same day visits in cases where this is required.

Possible options for improvement of the lives of denture wearers are listed below:


1) Using dental implants to provide ‘press stud’ dentures.

This is the simplest method to improve the fit and function of dentures and in its simplest form involves a placement of two dental implants in the lower jaw, or four dental implants in the upper jaw with pressstud attachments. These can then be attached to conventional dentures in the top and bottom to provide much tighter dentures with much less movement. The improvement has been researched proven to be excellent for many patients.


2) Bar retained dentures (removeable bridges).


This can provide excellent aesthetics and excellent function for patients looking for secure dentures. This is generally provided with two or four implants in the lower jar and four implants in the upper.


3) Fixed bridge work

A step up from ‘press stud’ dentures is the provision of ‘bar retained dentures’. The dental implants placed have a custom bar constructed to which dentures can clip on to. These require only to be removed morning and night to be cleaned, and are very secure and stable; much more like bridge work, the only difference being, they are removed for cleaning.


With the placement of four or six implants in a jaw it is possible to provide fixed in teeth for denture wearers so that the teeth never have to be removed.

These are cleaned normally with a toothbrush, toothpaste and interdental cleaning aids together with assistance from the practice hygienist. In some and appropriate cases this treatment can be provided in one day, where teeth are removed (if required), dental implants are placed and a first stage bridge is placed on the same day. This can also be carried out for upper and lower treatments at the same time, in appropriate cases.

In ideal cases, a first stage bridge is placed followed by a final bridge at 3-4 months following healing. In these types of cases for patients, ill-fitting dentures can be converted to fixed in teeth in a single day, and treatment can often be carried out under sedation at appropriate dental practices.


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Topics: dentures

Colin Campbell

Colin qualified in dentistry from the University of Glasgow in 1994. In 2009 he became a director in Campbell and Peace Specialist Practice and in 2013 formed The Campbell Clinic. Colin has placed over 4,000 implants and restored many of these, he has also carried out over 10,000 surgical procedures.